Research statement writing tips

Research statement writing tips


There are several statistical test types for analyzing Research Data. When to use what is often the challenge. This piece provides a simplification

  • t-test:

– Use when: You want to compare the means of two groups to determine if there’s a significant difference.
– Example: You want to compare the average score of students who received traditional teaching vs. those who received innovative teaching.

  • ANOVA (Analysis of Variance):

– Use when: You want to compare the means of three or more groups to determine if there are significant differences.
– Example: You want to compare the average score of students from different schools to determine if there are significant differences in their performance.

  • Regression (Simple and Multiple):

– Use when: You want to examine the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.
– Example: You want to examine the relationship between hours studied and exam scores (simple regression), or the relationship between hours studied, exam scores, and student motivation (multiple regression).

  • Chi-squared test:

– Use when: You want to determine if there’s a significant association between two categorical variables.
– Example: You want to determine if there’s a significant association between smoking and lung cancer.

  • Wilcoxon rank-sum test (Mann-Whitney U test):

– Use when: You want to compare the distributions of two independent groups.
– Example: You want to compare the distribution of scores between students who received traditional teaching and those who received innovative teaching.

  • Kruskal-Wallis H test:

– Use when: You want to compare the distributions of three or more independent groups.
– Example: You want to compare the distribution of scores among students from different schools.

  • Friedman test:

– Use when: You want to compare the distributions of three or more related groups.
– Example: You want to compare the distribution of scores among students at different time points.

  • Pearson correlation coefficient:

– Use when: You want to examine the linear relationship between two continuous variables.
– Example: You want to examine the relationship between hours studied and exam scores.

  • Spearman rank correlation coefficient:

– Use when: You want to examine the relationship between two variables when data is not normally distributed.
– Example: You want to examine the relationship between ranking of favorite foods and ranking of nutritional value.

  • Kendall’s tau correlation coefficient:

– Use when: You want to examine the relationship between two variables when data is ordinal or categorical.
– Example: You want to examine the relationship between socioeconomic status and education level.

  • ARIMA models:

– Use when: You want to forecast future values in a time series data.
– Example: You want to predict stock prices based on past trends.

  • Exponential smoothing (ES):

– Use when: You want to forecast future values in a time series data with a simple exponential smoothing method.
– Example: You want to predict sales based on past trends.

  • Seasonal decomposition:

– Use when: You want to decompose time series data into trend, seasonality, and residuals.
– Example: You want to analyze website traffic data to identify seasonal patterns.

  • Kaplan-Meier estimator:

– Use when: You want to estimate the survival function of a population.
– Example: You want to analyze the survival rate of patients with a specific disease.

  • Cox proportional hazards model:

– Use when: You want to examine the relationship between covariates and survival time.
– Example: You want to investigate the effect of treatment on survival time.

  • Log-rank test:

– Use when: You want to compare the survival curves of two or more groups.
– Example: You want to compare the survival rates of patients with different treatments.

  • K-means clustering:

– Use when: You want to group similar observations into clusters based on features.
– Example: You want to segment customers based on buying behavior.

  • Hierarchical clustering:

– Use when: You want to group similar observations into clusters based on features, with a hierarchical structure.
– Example: You want to analyze gene expression data to identify clusters of genes.

  • DBSCAN (density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise):

– Use when: You want to group similar observations into clusters based on features, with noise handling.
– Example: You want to analyze spatial data to identify clusters of high density.

  • Principal component analysis (PCA):

– Use when: You want to reduce the dimensionality of a dataset by identifying principal components.
– Example: You want to analyze stock prices to identify principal components of variation.

  • Discriminant analysis:

– Use when: You want to predict group membership based on multivariate data.
– Example: You want to predict customer churn based on usage patterns.

  • Canonical correlation analysis:

– Use when: You want to examine the relationship between two sets of multivariate data.
– Example: You want to investigate the relationship between personality traits and behavior.

  • Bayesian inference:

– Use when: You want to update probabilities based on new data.
– Example: You want to update the probability of a hypothesis based on new evidence.

  • Bayesian regression:

– Use when: You want to model the relationship between variables using Bayesian methods.
– Example:

  • Bayesian networks:

– Use when: You want to model complex relationships between variables using Bayesian methods.
– Example: You want to model the relationship between genes and diseases.

  • Decision trees:

– Use when: You want to classify observations based on a tree-like model.
– Example: You want to predict customer churn based on usage patterns.

  • Random forests:

– Use when: You want to classify observations based on an ensemble of decision trees.
– Example: You want to predict disease diagnosis based on symptoms.

  • Support vector machines (SVMs):

– Use when: You want to classify observations based on a hyperplane.
– Example: You want to predict customer churn based on usage patterns.

  • Cluster analysis:

– Use when: You want to group similar observations into clusters based on features.
– Example: You want to segment customers based on buying behavior.

  • Factor analysis:

– Use when: You want to reduce the dimensionality of a dataset by identifying underlying factors.
– Example: You want to analyze survey data to identify underlying factors of satisfaction.

  • Survival analysis:

– Use when: You want to analyze the time-to-event data.
– Example: You want to analyze the survival rate of patients with a specific disease.

  • Time-series analysis:

– Use when: You want to analyze data that is ordered in time.
– Example: You want to analyze stock prices to identify patterns and trends.

  • Non-parametric tests:

– Use when: You want to analyze data without assuming a specific distribution.
– Example: You want to compare the median scores of students who received traditional teaching vs. those who received innovative teaching.

  • Machine learning algorithms:

– Use when: You want to predict outcomes or classify observations based on large datasets.
– Example: You want to predict customer churn based on usage patterns.

The specific test or technique used depends on the research question, data type, and study design.