We Won’t Allow You Mobilize For Anarchy Or Unleash Terror, Nigerian Military Warns Intending Protesters

Nigeria’s military has warned intending protesters against violence, stating that the right to protest doesn’t include unleashing terror.

We Won’t Allow You Mobilize For Anarchy Or Unleash Terror, Nigerian Military Warns Intending Protesters
Pic.6. Director of Defence Media Operation, Maj.-Gen Edward Buha, addressing newsmen, during the End of Year Biweekly press briefing in Abuja on Friday (29/12/23). 04962/29/12/2023/Johnson Udeani/NAN

Nigeria’s Defence Headquarters (DHQ) has issued a stern warning to intending protesters, stating that the military will not tolerate any attempt to use protests as a cover for anarchy or terror.

Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, Director of Defence Media Operations, conveyed this message during a briefing in Abuja on Thursday.

Buba expressed concerns that the planned nationwide protest could escalate into chaos and violence based on the military’s analysis, noting that the military has scrutinised various factors, including potential motivations by opposition groups, independent parties, foreign interference, or terrorist organisations.

The military also assessed whether other entities were exploiting public frustration to incite unrest.

“For us in the military, the constitution is clear as to how and when the military gets involved. The constitution also clearly defines the roles and functions of the armed forces. On the other hand, while citizens have a constitutional right to peaceful protest, they do not have a right to mobilise for anarchy in order to unleash terror.

Buba compared the current situation to unrest in Kenya, which has been marked by ongoing violence. He warned that there were indications of attempts to hijack the protest for violent purposes.

Buba said that there were signs of status-related violence such that persons with things as basic as a smartphone and car were targets, not leaving out those who own houses and shops.

Other targets, according to him, include; places of worship, businesses, markets, persons of other ethnic groups and members of opposing political parties among others.

Drawing from past experiences in war-torn countries and peacekeeping missions, Buba assured that troops would act decisively to prevent such scenarios from unfolding in Nigeria.

“Based on the foregoing, the level of violence envisaged is best described as a state of anarchy. It is for this reason the armed forces will not watch and allow the nation spiral out of control to such low levels.

“Basically, the military has been exposed to wars and have witnessed situations of anarchy in countries ravaged by war, particularly during ECOMOG or during peacekeeping operations.

“It is for this reason that, troops will act dutifully to forestall such ugly occurrences from happening in our nation,’’ he added.

He urged citizens to approach the situation with caution and to avoid escalating tensions.
