Five causes of bad breath

Five causes of bad breath

Bad breath or halitosis is a condition that can affect people of all ages, often leading to social discomfort and self-consciousness.

Although it may seem like a minor problem, persistent bad breath is a sign of deep health issues that needs attention.Poor oral hygiene: The lack of oral hygiene can lead to halitosis which is known as bad breath. Incorrect and infrequent brushing of the teeth can lead to leftover food particles in the mouth which can cause bacteria resulting to bad breath. Brushing the teeth freshens the breath, boost self- confidence and reduces halitosis.Bacteria buildup: When bacteria accumulate on teeth, tongue, and gums, they multiply rapidly leading to an overgrowth. It leads to inflammation and infection of gums which causes bad breath. Bacteria’s release sulfur compounds, which are responsible for the characteristic “rotten egg” smell of bad breath. Brushing the teeth regularly removes harmful bacteria from the mouth.Dry mouth (xerostomia): Saliva helps lubricate the mouth and without it, the mouth can become dry and irritated leading to bad breath. It helps cleanse and wash away bacteria, food particles and debris from the mouth. Dry mouth can be addressed through hydration, saliva stimulants or medication which helps to reduce the risk of bad breath.Food particles: Food particles contributes to the formation of dental plaque, which harbors bacteria and causes bad breath. Trapped food particles causes gum inflammation, leading to increased risk. Some foods like onions, garlic and spicy foods are slow to digest thereby, allowing their odorous compounds to be released in the mouth for longer periods. Regular and adequate brushing, flossing and dental checkups removes food particles and prevents mouth odor.Tobacco products: Tobacco itself leaves a distinct and unpleasant odor in the mouth. The use of tobacco increases the risk of gum disease, tooth decay and cavities which causes bad breath due to bacterial accumulation and inflammation. Quitting tobacco products helps to eliminate mouth odor and reduces the risk of oral health